Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Madness from the Manhards

Monday Stephen started running a fever AGAIN. So, off to the doctor we went. This time he tested positive for STREP THROAT. He is ALWAYS sick. Brian has been extremely fussy and has had some nasal drainage... so I took him today to get teste, but it was negative. Wish I knew what his problem is. Matt said he is going to drop him off at the fire station if he doesn't start acting right :). I didn't have school today. Tomorrow instead of going to the State Hospital... we are going to watch My sister's keeper. Do you know how long its been since I have been to a movie theater? Since before I had Jaicee. So, 4 years. Crazyness. Can't wait till the kids are all old enough to go a movie.

Found out my Cousin Chase is having a BOY! Thats what he wanted so I'm excited for them.

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