Sorry for not updating yesterday but I spent most of my time at the hospital and then had to drive home. Yesterday we went to see her at 10am, 1pm, and 5pm. She is still having fever problems. At 7am yesterday morning she had a fever of 103. They are keeping it down with tylenol. Yesterday we made her a posterboard with "We Love You Grandma, Get Well Soon". And put pictures of all of us on it. It kind of made her upset when she saw it... but I'm sure she will enjoy looking at it. She is still have irregular heart beats. But, also being controlled with medication. Yesterday, Grandma told us that at one point she pushed the nurse button on her bed for about 45 minutes and no one came in there. They told her that the button must have came unplugged. Still, she is in ICU... there should have been a nurse to come in and check on her within that 45 minutes sometime. It broke my heart when she told me that. I told her if it happens again to yell for the nurse. But, I doubt that she would.
But, today was a different story when I got the phone call with an update. At 5am when they went to see her she was okay. At 10am while they were visiting the surgeon came and pulled them out of the room. At that time Grandma's heart rate was in the 180's. And even made her more upset because they pulled the family out. She knows something is wrong. She began to get upset and started saying things about who was going to take care of grandpa and she wasn't ready to leave her family.
The doctor said that during the surgery he removed 19 lymph nodes and of the 19, 14 were cancerous. We never even knew anything about the removal of the lymph nodes. So, we are pretty pissed. They scheduled an oncologist consult to come and talk to the family. He should be by today sometime. We are very ready to talk to him. The other two doctors that have been taking care of her seem to be sugar coating everything and not telling us the truth. Like, we never kenw anything about lymph nodes being taken out.
We want to know the truth and what should we be prepared for instead of just going into this blind.