Wednesday, May 6, 2009


And the dirty food monster strikes again :)

I forgot to mention that they have her on TPN. Which is total parenteral nutrician. Which is basically where they put lipids, amino acids, glucose, and salt into her vein. It basically bypasses the stomach and gives her exactly what she needs. They did end up having to give her a unit of blood today.

Update for Wed

What do you get when you give a 1 year old some chocolate ice cream? A big mess!!

Grandma is doing good. They said last night she was talking in her sleep about the grandbabies. Kayli said she kept talking about Jaicee in her sleep. Then, this morning she was holding Stephen in her sleep and just to patting his back and asking if he was cold. Then, directing them to the trash can. he he he.

They came and took some blood out of her picc line this morning but had to take some more out of her arm because the blood didnt look good. We as a family are going to have to go donate some blood for her. She will probably get another unit of blood today.

We are heading back over there tomorrow. I'm excited to get to see her longer than 20 minutes at a time. It will be nice.