Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Madness

Sunday we spent the day in the backyard in the redneck swimming pool. Matt's mom was here for a little while and left about 3. Holly & Curtis came over and we made chicken and macncheese. The guys had a little too much too drink... but thats okay cause it was their day. We recorded a lot on the video but didn't take a lot of pictures.

Our garden has really sprouted. We have probably got about 20 cucumbers out of there and four tomatoes. Our tomatoe plants really took a beating in the storm though.

Speaking of storm... The adjustor came out Friday to do an estimate on the damage so hopefuly we can get our roof fixed soon!

I'm in Labor and Delivery tomorrow and nursery on Wed. Thursday we are going on a Field Trip to the jail in Bridgeport.

No cheer for two weeks :(

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