Friday, May 8, 2009

In Shreveport Again

Grandma is still making progress. I went and seen her today... Right before I got there she had just got up and walked to the door and back. She had bathed herself. And she got a breathing treatment. So, she was pretty wore out. They gave her some more pain medicine. I talked to her for a while but then had to get back with the kiddos.

This evening, they took out her NG tube (Nasogastric Tube that goes in her tostrils into her stomach). She did get a little nauseated but they gave her some medication and it fixed that.

She seems to be doing a lot better since the last time I saw her. All of her vitals were great. They are going to try and let her eat some clear liquids tomorrow if her stomach can handle it. While I was there today she said her stomach was growling, so that's good news.

A nurse came by and dropped off some pamplets for her to read about her colonostomy.

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