Friday, April 10, 2009

Brian's Sleep Study

We had his sleep study last night. It was very interesting. They hooked him up with stuff all over his head and body. They brought in a little crib for him to sleep in. I finally got him settled him and got him asleep about 10:30ish. After he was asleep they came in and hooked him up to the pulse ox and a little thing in front of his nose so they could tell if he was taking a breath. Throughout the night the pulse ox machine beeped so many times I can't even remember. I would wake up and it would be in the 70's and 80's but on its way back up. I think the machine was set to only alarm if it went under 90. When it would alarm I would check to see if he was moving around because the machine is really sensitive. But, he would be in a dead sleep not moving. I asked the tech about it in the morning and he said that his sat's did drop several times during the night. But, he wasn't allowed to tell me anything because a specialist has to review the findings. His follow up appt is Tuesday at 12:30, so I guess we will find out then. He did a good job though. The place was really neat. I had my own little room with a TV and everything. I didn't get very much sleep but oh well.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Well I'm glad it went well as far as him sleeping there with all that stuff on him. And I would be worried about his pusle ox going so low...yikes! Thankfully its not too much longer till you find out what all went on that night.