Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Grandma

Our family just can't catch a break. My Grandma Barbara was having bilateral flank pains and blood in her urine. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday for testing. CT scan revealed a mass on her liver and lesions on her colon. She will have a biopsy done tomorrow sometime. Then on Thursday they will go in and remove the mass. We are all praying and praying its not malignant. I can't miss another day of school at this point. I have 2 1/2 weeks left, then I'm out for 3 weeks. I just feel guilty that I cannot just up and leave and go and be there for her. We will find out tomorrow how serious it is... the wait is going to kill me. I will pray and pray. I can't imagine my life without her and I just can't bare to think about it right now... I'm trying to have a positive attitude right now, but its just so scary. I plan to go over there Thursday after school and come back Monday. Everyone just please pray with us.

Brian ate bananas for the first time at Maw's house. You can't tell that he likes them by the look on his face... but he opened his mouth for some more each time.